
How Grades Work in This Class

I recognize that this is a very stressful time for you. COVID-19 has added significant stress and trauma to our lives. That stress affects your ability to learn. I want to do all I can to take the guesswork out of this class for you. Below is the grading policy for this course.

Graded Items% of Total Grade
Exams – Three (3) lecture exams will be given on the dates indicated on the tentative schedule.  Each will be graded on a scale of 100 points.  No make-ups will be given.  A missed exam counts as a zero for that exam.  However, the lowest exam grade will be dropped at the end of the semester.  The two (2) highest exam grades will be counted and comprise 10% of your final grade.
Assignments are assigned online via Blackboard and are due online on the dates indicated on the calendar (also posted on Blackboard).  Late assignments are not accepted/graded and will result in a grade of zero. Each student in the group will earn the same grade on each assignment.   The lowest assignment grade will be dropped at the end of the semester.  The Assignments comprise 20% of your final grade.
Final Exam
The Final Exam is cumulative and comprises 20% of the final grade.  Details to follow.
Photo Assignments
Each group will submit a series of photo labeling assignments of the dissections done in lab throughout the semester.  Each student in the group will earn the same grade on each photo assignment.  Late photo assignments will not be accepted/graded and will result in a grade of zero.  The lowest photo assignment grade will be dropped at the end of the semester.  The Photo Assignments comprise 25% of your final grade.
Research Project
Each student will participate in a class research project on live vertebrates.  A report will be submitted for this project by each group.  More details on the research project will follow.  The Research Project comprises 25% of your final grade.
Your Grade Goals

There is no judgement here! This is your decision. Whether you choose to work toward an A, B, or C in the course is up to you. Ending the class with a C will provide you with full credit on your transcript, but it will also lower your G.P.A. That may or may not matter to you, depending on what your academic goals are. If you have questions, I am happy to help answer them!

Every assignment in this class has a rubric. A rubric simply lists the criteria that I am looking for when I assess your work. The rubric will help you understand how to earn the grade of your choice on each assignment. You must review the rubric and use it to guide your work for every assignment.

All assignments are due on the dates indicated on the tentative schedule or as announced in class.  Late assignments will not be accepted and will result in a grade of zero.

Tracking Your Progress

Once per week, you should check your grades. To do so, click on Grades in our course navigation menu. You’ll see a list of graded items and the grade for each.  Be sure the grade you believe you have earned corresponds to the grade posted.  If these do not match, contact your professor.

New Grade

When you have a new grade or feedback from me to view, you’ll see a number appear next to Grades in the course navigation menu.

Late Work

Every assignment has a due date and I want to stress to you how important it is to meet them. I have been teaching for a long time. Getting behind is the number one thing that makes students end up dropping or failing a class. Strive to meet the due dates.

Attendance Policy, WU, and INC Grades

Students who stop submitting work or stop attending class or responding to emails will earn a WU final grade.  INC is only assigned if a student is passing the class and can pass the class if they take the final.  All college policies regarding attendance and grades will be adhered to.
